If you’re interested in improving your biomarkers, register for this ticket add-on by June 1st. (Links below!)
Get a longevity blood panel, a V02 max test, Bryan Johnson’s nutty pudding and olive oil shots, supplements, and personalized coaching discounted ~50%.
We’re excited to work with Skylor and Ageless to bring longevity programming to life at Edge Esmeralda.
Edge Esmeralda will be filled with high-agency people who are building towards a better future.
High-agency people typically push their health to the back burner. It's easy to think that you'll deal with your health once you’re successful.
But success turns out to be a moving goal post. From raising the next round, to firefighting an internal issue, to achieving the next milestone. It’s never ending. Your health is perpetually sidelined.
If we reflect back to the early days of Uber, it was truly a magical experience. You pressed a button on your phone, and magically a car appeared and took you to your destination. At arrival, you just got out of the car without having to worry about payment. It just happened.
Health should be the same way. We shouldn't even know it exists — it's just magic. Somehow, in the water we drink, in the food we eat, in the habits we have and in our surrounding environment, we just maintain perfect health. This should become the default and you quickly forget that you ever had to strive for optimal health and wellness.
At Edge Esmeralda, we want to bring that magical default to you. A software upgrade for your body that makes putting your health first easier than ever.
Throughout the month, we’re running a self experimentation study to quantify how much progress can be made from simple lifestyle interventions made possible by a healthier default environment. We’ll track both individual and broader community health metrics.
If you’d like to take it one step further, we’re adding in optional blood testing, health coaching, personalized supplements based on your biomarkers, and healthy lifestyle events throughout the month in Healdsburg.
Whether you’re staying the full month or visiting for a week we have two options you can choose from:
Option A – if you’re visiting for a week
Advanced longevity blood panel (60+ biomarkers, 1 blood party)
Private 1:1 consult with a health coach to map out your metrics and milestones
Enjoy Bryan Johnson’s nutty pudding and olive oil shots after your blood test
Price: $1,000 $600
Option B – if you’re staying for 3-4 weeks
2x advanced longevity blood panel (60+ biomarkers, 2 blood party’s)
2x private 1:1 consult with a health coach to map out your metrics and milestones
Personalized supplement protocol based on your biomarkers
1st month supplements included
V02 max test
Enjoy Bryan Johnson’s nutty pudding and olive oil shots after your blood tests
Price: $3,000 $1,500
If you’re interested in joining, please register for option A or option B by June 1st. The first blood testing party is scheduled for 10am-12pm on June 4th.
See you all in Healdsburg! 👋
— Skylor